The first day of spring has finally arrived! I had already noticed many signs that spring was on the way - flower blossoms popping their heads above ground, Bradford pears in snowy blossom, yellow forsythia bushes glowing in the sunlight, and birds merrily singing as they busied themselves in search for food and nesting spots.
Storytelling festivals also blossom in the springtime. April 24th brings Storytelling Festival 2007 to H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library in Henderson, NC. I look forward to participating in this fun festival as a regional storyteller. Children’s librarian, Claire Basney, is organizing this festival.
On May 16th, I am excited to be one of six regional tellers at NC StoryFest 2007 in Greensboro, NC. I am also looking forward to telling stories with my storytelling friends and comrades at both of these festivals. I’m currently in the process of booking other storytelling programs in addition to festivals. If you’re interested in booking a program go to my Free Consultation page on my website and get in touch with me. Or click on the E-Mail envelope found on the lower left-hand side (in the green panel) of any of my web pages.